Crimson Catz blog.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Become a bundle of 'glow-liciousness'

So the crazy days of cold have set in and sometimes it can make us feel 'low'.  Well, here are 10 top tips to cheer you right up again! 

1)  Some of us may have the 'Winter blues' but we can succumb the pressures of feeling glum by switching our original light bulb for a 'day light' bulb.  This'll have your brain thinking that it's nice and bright outside whilst you're inside.  Most daylight bulbs can be found in specialist light shops for around £3.  You can even find S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder) light treatments in Boots or other high street chemists.

2)  Itchy, dry skin on your face, body or hands can sometimes be caused by intense heat along with the bitter cold weather.  This can be helped by using an intensive moisturiser, however there are also other ways to combat it.  One is by having a holistic facial where skin is being renewed and plumped using a carrier oil and a blend of essential oils.  You can try a paraffin manicure to help soften your hands and finally you could even pop a piece of wet clothing, perhaps a towel on a hot radiator, this would act as a dehumidifier and leave the air moist instead of dry.  

3) Water is great for cleaning out your system and removing toxins.  It helps to push the 'carb' build up out of your system and we know how the cold months make you crave the heavy stuff, so get drinking those pints of water!

4) When going all out for festive or celebratory dinner, remember how hard you have worked to shift the pounds during your personal training/work out sessions and Zumba fitness classes too.  Instead of piling the carbs on your plate, opt for more vegetables.  You'll feel so much better for it,  then have a little treat afterwards.

5) Games. Well, we all like to play them, so how about twister, or hide and seek?  These will get you laughing and giggling with your friends and your nearest and dearest.  Remember, they'll help you to sustain your fitness levels too. 

6) Make a list of all of your achievements this year and your aims for next year.  You'll be surprised by how much you've accomplished and the ideas you come up with for next year.

7) When was the last time you spent a little bit of cash on YOU?  Whether it's £1 or more, buy something to thank yourself for being such a wonderful 'YOU'.

8) What you give out is what you receive. Some of us already know and have learnt loads about the 'Law of Attraction'.  So now it's your turn to tell the universe what you want and not what you need.  The more you worry about something, the more you will 'vibrate it' and therefore 'attract it'.  So let go of your woes and love everything you have, including YOU.

9) Whether or not you're off to a party,  indulge in a little pampering or even a make-over?  You never know, someone may spot you and crave your attention.  On the other hand, it'll leave you feeling glamorous and remember, you're so worth it!!

10) Laugh away! Watching a good ole comedy or comedian will tickle you pink and there's nothing better than that now is there?

Have fun and keep smiling, :D.
 Crimson love, Crimson Catz XX

Thursday 7 July 2011

The fountain of youth is alive and kicking!

A request from a client at 1.34am yesterday triggered off this blog!
We ask ourselves, 'how can we look younger without the use of chemicals and cosmetic surgery?' There are quite a few ways to look after our skin, which are commonly overlooked but should play a key part in our daily routine.

So let's take a look at some of the ones which

1) Holistic facial.
What is it?  Well, 'holistic' means 'whole' so we're looking at your whole face. I, as your 'holistic' therapist would first cleanse and tone your face, then apply an oil blend using a 'carrier' oil such as jojoba which is closest to the skin's natural sebum and add a carefully selected amount of essential oils.   With my hands, I would use movements on your face to encourage cell renewal, rejuvenation and circulation.
The oil will then absorb into the skin, magically 'plumping' and brightening it over the course of the treatment   You will feel gorgeous when everyone is complimenting you the next day and you will also see the difference too. Once every two weeks, or once a month is sufficient for this treatment. However, some of you may love it so much that you may want it more often.

2) Cleanse, mask, tone and moisturise.
Yes, plain and simple and very easy to do. I can understand that some of you are full time mums or dads and that in itself is a job and a half.  However a couple of minutes a day will make your skin look even more scrumptious and feel fantastic. A mask once a week, is a true joy and can help your skin look brighter and add nourishment and vital vitamins to give it a boost too. Remember, this is also good for all of you guys, and finding out what your skin type is will make all the difference.  
The best time to start is in your early twenties, but it doesn't mean that you can't start now. It may just take a little longer for your skin to accept your new and fabulous routine before you gain great results.  

3) Create a 'happy heart' by doing something crazy (within reason), share a wonderful joke and have a laugh with your friends. I've done it for most of my life and it does work, just remember not to screw your eyes up! 

4) Your diet and exercise. You know the saying, 'you are what you eat' well need I say no more!  This will be covered in Anita's blog next week, so I won't give too much away.  Do drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.   Running can also reduce the collagen in your skin too, however, I'm not telling you to ban the activity if this is what you enjoy.

If you would like anymore information or wish to ask us questions in relation to health, beauty, fitness or make-up, do get in touch! Contact us via our facebook page and if you haven't already clicked 'Like', please do as we would love to meet you.

Crimson love, Sunita & Anita

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Get a grip, defend yourself and chill out!!

Hmmm, the title no doubt sounds like you've got yourself in a right 'tizz' and I must say that some of you may already feel this way when searching high and low for products which work of course!

Crimson Catz are always looking further afield for new technologies which can make products help you look and feel great.  This Summer, we have ideal solutions to your little problems, and perhaps these can be carried through all year round!

This is a sought after product, let's start off with this bottle of fabulousness...
  • Protects from harmful UV sun rays
  • Contains natural ingredients: cherry extract, Alga Lite, bearberry and vitamins C & E
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Evens skin tone
  • Diminishes pigmentation (refer to our blog on hyperpigmentation).
  • Moisturising
  • Anti-ageing benefits
Well, may I introduce you to SELF DEFENCE, which can be worn under your moisturiser or even on its own. You only need a little bit as the product is 'concentrated' and therefore, should last you a good while.  Just click HERE to find out more!

Are you feeling the heat without even being in the kitchen?  Do you wanna cool down on those hot days and 'clammy' nights?  Well, here's the perfect solution which again has been tried and tested of course!
'CHILLICIOUS' is a lightweight revolutionary formula which chills instantly and reduces your body temperature over a long period. It's ingredients consist of dandelion, menthol and a blend of fresh essential oils.  Think of it as 'air conditioning' in a bottle and  Check out what it can do for you! 

  • Instant and gradual cooling
  • Alleviates 'hot sweats'
  • Cools hot and clammy skin
  • Lightweight, non stinging and non irritating
  • Paraben free
  • Refreshing, uplifting fragrance to restore confidence
  • Handy, travel size
  • Soothes aches & pains
No more 'sticky' necks, sweaty chests, and 'icky' foreheads,  Add a little bit to your pulse points and feel the magic happen! 

We all wanna get 'hot bodies' for the Summer hols and we all know that it just ain't right to be smelling of 'work out sweat', YUK, how disgusting is that!  But what happens if you just don't have the time to shower straight afterwards, perhaps forget your towel or there simply isn't a shower available?  If you suffer from 'clammy hands' this is the product for you!!
TAKE A GRIP, is a shower in a bottle!  This is what it's all about, take a look here and below.
  • Sanitises the skin
  • Removes sweat and stickiness
  • Revives and refreshes
  • Substitutes a shower
  • Helps you focus and concentrate
  • Clears the head
  • Dries to a unique talc-like finish
  • Confidence boosting fragrance
  • A great post-shave lotion
  • Cools the skin - wonderful in a hot climate
  • Advanced airless pump bottle - hygienic and no waste

Now you see why we wanted to get your attention!  These Temple Spa products are so worth it, because YOU are!

Crimson love, Crimson Catz XX

Thursday 16 June 2011

For better or for worse?

Could this be a 'skin and paraben' marriage made in heaven or hell?   'For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer'  as the case may be, hmmm,  let's move on...

Parabens are cheap 'preservatives' which are added to many cosmetic & skincare products to give it long shelf life and kill off bacteria.  There are different types and are often found listed right at the end of the 'ingredients' panel of your cosmetic & skincare based product.  Methyl and propyl parabens are also used as additives in some foods.  (We're not liking the sound of that either).

The image to the right shows the Paraben family, become familiar with the names so you know what you're looking out for.

What harm, if any, can parabens do?

Parabens interfere with the body's natural production of hormones and are known as endocrine disruptors. They also act like the hormone 'oestrogen' (that's 'estrogen' to our American friends) and it has been said that parabens cause, contribute or increase the risk of cancer, yet this is still in debate in the world of science.   Past research showed that the chemicals were safe, taking into account that the chemicals would be absorbed quickly, metabolised and excreted as waste.

Since then, science has shown that over time chemicals build up in the body tissue and increase toxic build up and the chance that they can interfere with normal hormonal functions increases.  We need to look after our skin sensibly, it is the largest organ after all and thankfully there are companies who create products which are paraben FREE!

Brands such as Temple Spa prefer to use natural oils, such as grape seed, vitamins or extracts which protect the skin's health, preserves the quality of the product, finds and depletes toxins and also provides moisture.  Naturally, the products will cost a little more, but they are also 'concentrated' so a little goes a long way.  Whereas with the paraben based products, they are 'cheap as chips' and you will need more product to cover the skin's surface.  Therefore toxic build up is inevitable over time.

is the way to be! 

Crimson loveCrimson Catz, XX

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Cos he's worth it...?

 Another special day is slowly creeping upon us, yes, it's Father's day and what best way to celebrate it but to spoil 'em rotten!

Most of the time, guys have the idea of their most wanted gift in their head, but never mention it until they get hit with another pair of socks, just like last year, and the year before that.  Their little sulky face tells another story when they say 'they're not bothered about it'.

We know that deep down inside they wanted something to play with, like a keyring that makes a million silly noises, or a very expensive dream car which they can zoom on the chicane with.
When they're taking a little while longer in the bathroom, it's because they're actually checking out your 'lotions and potions'.  

Distant unsure words of 'I'll be there in a minute' echo while he checks out your new 'eye cream' or tries to find something useful to help his morning shave.
have turned around somewhat, as we ladies no longer use 'his' razor but instead 'him indoors' wants to try to find something that will aid his appearance in many ways.

So there is help on the horizon, and even if you...the wife, girlfriend or whatever you happen to be, don't get him it, then he will always treat himself, but hide it away in an obvious place! (Sadly for you guys, women know where everything is kept - it's built in I'm afraid).

Let the head man become 'Head boy for a change, he'll feel like all his Christmas's have come at once!   There's nothing to say that you can't use a little something of his, once in a while...let yourself go 'wild',  we know you want to! 

If you really have no ideas, have a chat with us via our email, on twitter @CrimsonCatz or even on our facebook fan page and hey, why not join us?  It would be lovely to meet you!  

Oh, and one final thing, enjoy  Father's Day! (June 19th, 2011).  

Crimson love, Crimson Catz, XX

Friday 27 May 2011

The darker the better? In some cases, not quite!

hen we're on our travels or even in our home salon, we always get asked questions especially about the skin we're in, so we're going  to concentrate on one of them in today's blog. 

Some of you may notice that some areas of your skin have darker patches.  This can be located anywhere on the body, but most commonly found on the face, arms and hands.

This is called 'hyperpigmentation', it's harmless and means that there is more melanin content in the noticeably darker area.  There are many causes for this to occur, including Melasma, this is the more common name for it when the large darkened patches occur during hormonal changes, such as pregnancy and taking the 'pill'.  Freckles and age spots darken when in the sun, because the melanin absorbs the suns harmful UV rays in order to protect the skin from harmful exposure.  Therefore, wearing  sunscreen is a must to save the damage the sun can do.

Other causers of dark spots can be 'acne' and skin diseases, where the darker spots are found after the condition clears.

We also get asked "How can we get rid of freckles?" and our answer is "You can't, as they are hereditary, but instead you can use sunscreen to reduce their appearance".
Sometimes the answer simply isn't enough to bring a smile to the face.

However, there are other some interesting answers, such as: some people confide in laser treatments or prescribed creams containing hydroquinone which, as the active ingredient slows the melanin production down.  There are harsher creams which contain twice the amount of hydroquinone and cause sensitivity.  There is also 
Lumixyl peptide which I came across.  This is more advanced  and worth reading about.

Remember, you can also use camouflage make-up, in this case, please contact us to book a one to one consultation where we can go through the application/products which will help you without the use of laser, chemicals etc.

Should you be looking to use any creams or treatments for skin lightening or equivalent, do contact the company to book in for your consultation or seek advice from your doctor.  The information we have provided is to inform you of what hyperpigmentation is and what is available to you.  The choices you make are your own.

If there are any other areas you would like us to look into or if you have any questions, then please feel free to contact us via our facebook page, or via our website

Let us know your thoughts, we would love to hear from YOU!

Kindest regards

Sunita Johal (CC2) & Anita Cormier (CC1)


Thursday 19 May 2011

Avoid the Summer slide!

As a make-up artist/tutor, I have one moisturiser which helps to give make-up more 'staying' power regardless of your 'skin type' and of course there is more to the application of make-up, but we all have to start somewhere, right?

You too can own 'Moisture Matte', simply by clicking here or calling me on 07786088126 or Anita on 07887937070.
If you would like any more info on make-up application, make-up courses or have any 'beauty' queries, please do contact me via our facebook fan page or email  
Speak soon,  
Sunita Johal - MFHT, MICHT, MIFHB, BSYA(col). 

Thursday 7 April 2011

Fantastic make-up artists make it to the catwalks, so can you!

Hello, I'm Sunita, the other half of our 'wonderful' health & beauty based company Crimson Catz and I want to share with you the splendour that is in the form of make-up! To add but a 'twist,' after many many years in the beauty, fashion and make-up industry, I am now running my own courses in basic and professional advanced level make-up course.

The basic make-up course consists of one day intensive training and you will learn about make-up application/techniques for use on you, your friends and family. We will cover various areas including colour matching, safe beauty, face shapes and you will gain a certificate of achievement upon successful completion of this course.

Now, P.A.L.M which stands for Professional, Advanced Level Make-up, is the next level up! It's an intensive four day course and it's in its last stage of accreditation which is fantastic news and will be a recognised qualification! You will need a basic certificate in make-up via Crimson Catz, or if you already have one, then great! You will be able to fast track onto the P.A.L.M course. The course also complies with National Occupational Standards and we use current 'safe beauty' methods throughout the application of make-up.

The next course date for basic make-up is the 27th April 2011 and for the advanced level, the course will run from the 3rd - 6th May 2011.

To find out more including fees and to book your place, please contact me on 07786088126 asap as spaces are limited at any one time and check out our make-up page for more info!

Thank you, speak soon!

Sunita Johal

