Crimson Catz blog.

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Cos he's worth it...?

 Another special day is slowly creeping upon us, yes, it's Father's day and what best way to celebrate it but to spoil 'em rotten!

Most of the time, guys have the idea of their most wanted gift in their head, but never mention it until they get hit with another pair of socks, just like last year, and the year before that.  Their little sulky face tells another story when they say 'they're not bothered about it'.

We know that deep down inside they wanted something to play with, like a keyring that makes a million silly noises, or a very expensive dream car which they can zoom on the chicane with.
When they're taking a little while longer in the bathroom, it's because they're actually checking out your 'lotions and potions'.  

Distant unsure words of 'I'll be there in a minute' echo while he checks out your new 'eye cream' or tries to find something useful to help his morning shave.
have turned around somewhat, as we ladies no longer use 'his' razor but instead 'him indoors' wants to try to find something that will aid his appearance in many ways.

So there is help on the horizon, and even if you...the wife, girlfriend or whatever you happen to be, don't get him it, then he will always treat himself, but hide it away in an obvious place! (Sadly for you guys, women know where everything is kept - it's built in I'm afraid).

Let the head man become 'Head boy for a change, he'll feel like all his Christmas's have come at once!   There's nothing to say that you can't use a little something of his, once in a while...let yourself go 'wild',  we know you want to! 

If you really have no ideas, have a chat with us via our email, on twitter @CrimsonCatz or even on our facebook fan page and hey, why not join us?  It would be lovely to meet you!  

Oh, and one final thing, enjoy  Father's Day! (June 19th, 2011).  

Crimson love, Crimson Catz, XX

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