Crimson Catz blog.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Become a bundle of 'glow-liciousness'

So the crazy days of cold have set in and sometimes it can make us feel 'low'.  Well, here are 10 top tips to cheer you right up again! 

1)  Some of us may have the 'Winter blues' but we can succumb the pressures of feeling glum by switching our original light bulb for a 'day light' bulb.  This'll have your brain thinking that it's nice and bright outside whilst you're inside.  Most daylight bulbs can be found in specialist light shops for around £3.  You can even find S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder) light treatments in Boots or other high street chemists.

2)  Itchy, dry skin on your face, body or hands can sometimes be caused by intense heat along with the bitter cold weather.  This can be helped by using an intensive moisturiser, however there are also other ways to combat it.  One is by having a holistic facial where skin is being renewed and plumped using a carrier oil and a blend of essential oils.  You can try a paraffin manicure to help soften your hands and finally you could even pop a piece of wet clothing, perhaps a towel on a hot radiator, this would act as a dehumidifier and leave the air moist instead of dry.  

3) Water is great for cleaning out your system and removing toxins.  It helps to push the 'carb' build up out of your system and we know how the cold months make you crave the heavy stuff, so get drinking those pints of water!

4) When going all out for festive or celebratory dinner, remember how hard you have worked to shift the pounds during your personal training/work out sessions and Zumba fitness classes too.  Instead of piling the carbs on your plate, opt for more vegetables.  You'll feel so much better for it,  then have a little treat afterwards.

5) Games. Well, we all like to play them, so how about twister, or hide and seek?  These will get you laughing and giggling with your friends and your nearest and dearest.  Remember, they'll help you to sustain your fitness levels too. 

6) Make a list of all of your achievements this year and your aims for next year.  You'll be surprised by how much you've accomplished and the ideas you come up with for next year.

7) When was the last time you spent a little bit of cash on YOU?  Whether it's £1 or more, buy something to thank yourself for being such a wonderful 'YOU'.

8) What you give out is what you receive. Some of us already know and have learnt loads about the 'Law of Attraction'.  So now it's your turn to tell the universe what you want and not what you need.  The more you worry about something, the more you will 'vibrate it' and therefore 'attract it'.  So let go of your woes and love everything you have, including YOU.

9) Whether or not you're off to a party,  indulge in a little pampering or even a make-over?  You never know, someone may spot you and crave your attention.  On the other hand, it'll leave you feeling glamorous and remember, you're so worth it!!

10) Laugh away! Watching a good ole comedy or comedian will tickle you pink and there's nothing better than that now is there?

Have fun and keep smiling, :D.
 Crimson love, Crimson Catz XX

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